Please excuse the delay, but here comes a new update of Trilllingo's
Radioshows! Discover our new carnival (carnaval / Fasching / Karneval)
show: Every day from 5pm to 7pm.


L'araignée Gypsie

Today we recommend the Musicreche DVD's for toddlers.
Meet the french classics of childrensongs. The animations
are made in a very simple, but nice way and will enthuse
your kids! Take a look:

There are a lot of different versions. Try this ones in English and German:

The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout.
Down came the rain, and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain.
So the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again.

Die Kribbel-Krabbel-Spinne kriecht ins Wasserrohr.
Da kommt ein großer Regen und spült sie wieder vor.
Dann kommt die liebe Sonne, trocknet das Wasser ein.
Die Kribbel-Krabbel-Spinne kriecht wieder ins Rohr hinein.

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